Derogatis™ Psychological Assessments
The Derogatis Psychological Test series is distributed by Clinical Psychometric Research, Inc., in Baltimore, MD. We are Specialists in Psychological Measurement & Outcomes Evaluation of: Stress States, Mood & Affects, Sexual Functioning, Psychological Distress, and Psychosocial Adjustment to Illness.

Contact Information
You can reach us by phone at 410-321-6165.
Our mailing address is: 1228 Wine Spring Lane, Towson, MD 21204, USA.
Our e-mail address is [email protected].
Please see Test Synopses for Primary Measurement Constructs and Descriptions of the Psychosocial Adjustment to Illness Scale (PAIS/PAIS-SR), the Derogatis Stress Profile (DSP), Derogatis Affects Balance Scale (DABS), Derogatis Interview for Sexual Functioning (DISF/DISF-SR), and the Derogatis Sexual Functioning Inventory (DSFI).